What is the film
Date:2016/7/7 8:36:39 Hits:4603
Film!Is the film, is an indispensable part in print.The digital information into the computer the key step of central physical information.But now, digital printing, believe that before long film it will retire the scanning resolution (dpi) = add line number (lpi) * magnification newspaper: 85 lpi colour magazine: 133150 or 175 lpi art album: 200 lpi generally the cover of the book is set to 300-350 dpi is enough ~ ~ in the PS, an image size is 103 mm * 103 mm (including bleeding) So after storage for TIFF, imported into the AI, page setup?Horny line is to use the color, right?The color of 103 mm, horn line for registering (the 4 color)