What is the role of the ink scraper?
Date:2012/7/26 9:59:34 Hits:5530
Silk screen printing machine, such as: NOVAMEC S silk screen printing machine, there are two scraper, a scraper scraping board for seal, another scraper for sending ink scraper.Scraping scraping board and send the ink scraper in printing machine at work to alternate back and forth movement, when printing printing scraper extrusion ink printing, return after scrapping printing scraper lifted away from the screen plate, start work and send the ink scraper, scraper contact with silk screen printing blocks, will be sent back ink, scraping scraping board and send the ink scraper working procedure is: when the scrapping printing scraper printing ink from one end of the wire mesh plate (begin) to print to the other end (the end), in order to make the scraping printing scraper again there is plenty of ink printing, send the ink scraping board printing ink must be returned to the initial position of the ink.Silk screen printing machine, therefore, besides scrapping printing scraper must also configure a repatriation scraping ink scraper, scrape printing in the end of the silk screen printing ink scraping send back again.Send ink scraper in addition to send ink, at the same time also have ink blocked by part of the purpose of the mesh, so as to avoid mesh in printing ink drying, and affect the printing of the next (zhang).Send the ink scraper for aluminum or metal products. Manual scraping printing, use only one scraping scraping board, printing and the printing ink returns are the scraper.